Stem cells

 CryoCell International is a family cord bank worldwide. Since 1992, they have saved over 250,000 clients. CryoCell stores your child's cord blood from the umbilical chord and the placenta, discarded after birth. Companies that are worldwide such as CryCell help people from babies to adults. Stem cell research is our future into saving humanity from illnesses and diseases. (Citation-8)

March 21, 2009, a 9 year old German Sheppard named Lex, a marine dog, lost his Corporal, Dustin Lee, and almost his own life due to a rocket attack in Iraq. Lex had multiple shrapnel wounds, pieces of shrapnel lodged in his spine, and almost lost his tail. The shrapnel piece in his spine caused debilitating spinal and joint pain, preventing him from walking. Thanks to a revolutionary stem cell treatment this will no longer be a problem. The doctors take stem cells from the dog's abdomen and injects them into the affected joint. This treatment takes about as little as 3 days and has a 80% success rate. Doctors estimated that Lex can fully recover in as little as 2 months. (Citation-9)


A man named Ben Byer was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in 2002. Doctors in the U.S didn't have a cure for A.L.S, they gave him a year or so to live. Ben wasn't going to give up on a looking for a cure so easily. Byer was furious with the pharmaceutical industry in the United States because they showed little affliction as they told him he had Lou Gehrig's disease. Ben's father, Steve, found an article about Dr. Xia Mengqi, she claimed her father had developed a herbal remedy that could stop the progression of A.L.S called Bunaogao. Ben heard about this great news and is on his way to Beijing fore their stem cell research program to cure his A.L.S. Ben Byer and Roko Belic made a film about their journey to cure A.L.S. Throughout this film Ben meets many people along the way also looking for a cure in stem cell research. (Citation-10)

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